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Life Is Like This

Life Is Like This

نویسنده: G. C. Thornley
تصویرگر: Peter Kesteven
ناشر: Longmans
زبان کتاب: انگلیسی
تعداد صفحه: 67
اندازه کتاب: پالتویی - سال انتشار: 1963 - دوره چاپ: 2

کمیاب - کیفیت : در حد نو _ نو

مروری بر کتاب


Easy Plays And Stories

Pleasent Books In Easy English; Stage One

The books of this series are intended for those who have left the age of fairy tales behind them, but require some reading material in easy English.

The vocabulary of Stage 1 is limited to about 480 of the commonest words in English. The tenses used in the Active Voice exclude the Past Perfect and the Future Perfect; the more complicated continuous tenses; and all the more difficult constructions expressing uncertainty. In the Passive Voice, the tenses are, for the most part, limited to the Present and the Past.

The subordinate clauses introduced into the text include only simple relative and adverbial clauses. Noun clauses, if used at all, are very rare.

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